
Managing quota is not so simple, but it’s important to save place when you use multi-user system to avoid abuses.

  • Install quota
 # apt-get install quota
  • Enable quota

To enable  quota, we need to give « rights » to quota to manage a filesystem. So we need to add an option when mouting a disk :

# vi /etc/fstab 
/dev/sda3    /home    ext3    defaults,usrquota    0    0
# reboot

I added usrquota as option to the disk, but we can also define group restriction with grpquota

finally, To apply options, reboot is required (well, easier and I didn’t search another way to apply it)

  • Manage quota for user

We want to define quota for user nunix on the disk /dev/sda3, 256MB sounds fine. This command open a temporary file where you can edit values for the user nunix on the filesystem /dev/sda3. The blocks number seems to be the number of kilobyte.

 # edquota -u nunix -f /dev/sda3
Disk quotas for user nunix (uid 1001):
  Filesystem                   blocks       soft       hard     inodes     soft     hard
  /dev/sda3                        32     256000     384000          9    25600    38400
  • Show quotas

When you are a user, you can display your quota using the command quota

$ quota
Disk quotas for user nunix (uid 1001):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
      /dev/sda3      32  256000  384000               9   25600   38400         

Resources :

  •  http://www.lea-linux.org/documentations/index.php/Admin-admin_fs-quotas
  • http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=289571 {jcomments on}

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