2d-doc, using digital signature to protect physical documents

Today, I’m going to discuss a bit about a technology found few weeks ago, in order to present it to non-french people. It represents a technique that will be intensively used to assess the authenticity of physical documents produced by different service providers, and thus protect from fake documents. There is an hight interest on the enterprise processes and administrative systems, where different institutions request papers from other entities to evaluate eligibility to social aid, where private companies needs proof of identity and residence, etc.

The solution proposes to apply existing digital signature, based on a public key infrastructure, to calculate signatures on physical documents. The originality is to carry the digital information in a physical support through two dimensional barcode (following datamatrix specifications). As of today, the official web-site proposes several examples to understand how one can retrieve information. But for sake of example, I’ve taken an existing qrcode from one of my SFR (internet provider) invoice and extract the content hereafter.


2d-doc for serme invoice

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