How to use Jabref behind a proxy

Jabref, a powerful tool to manage bibliography, has a special feature that let the user search bibtex entries online, and import them within your bibliography.

A problem occurs when you run JabRef behind a proxy (corporate or not), because no options is available to configure it.

Hopefully, JabRef is provided as a jar so we have the ability to modify proxy properties used by java.

Just run the following command :

 java -Dhttp.proxyHost="proxy" -Dhttp.proxyPort="8080" -jar "/where/is/the/jar/JabRef-2.6b2.jar"


JabRef online search


 That’s it, you can search for whatever you want on ACM portal, IEEE, etc. in few clicks. 

 For information,

  • java properties for proxy (https, ftp, sock, etc.) :
  • Sorry for screenshot with vista skin, but as my corporate’s laptop is using it, I need to work with it 😀 But this tip is cross platform.

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Setting up PluXML with Nginx

Hi, today, we are going to see powerfull web servers – nginx – and portable cms – PluXML written in Php.

 The goal is to set up the all solution under fedora 12 and make it works in local. 

 Let’s start with most important steps and resources that allowed me to set up everything in quiet short time :

  • PluXML : Download the latest archive and extract it wherever you want on your drive
  • NGinx : Downlad and build-it up, or install it through your favorite package-manager (i.e yum install nginx)
  • Install Php and FastCGI in your system,for example under fedora : yum install lighttpd-fastcgi php php-gd

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