How to use Jabref behind a proxy

JabRef online search

Jabref, a powerful tool to manage bibliography, has a special feature that let the user search bibtex entries online, and import them within your bibliography.

A problem occurs when you run JabRef behind a proxy (corporate or not), because no options is available to configure it.

Hopefully, JabRef is provided as a jar so we have the ability to modify proxy properties used by java.

Just run the following command :

 java -Dhttp.proxyHost="proxy" -Dhttp.proxyPort="8080" -jar "/where/is/the/jar/JabRef-2.6b2.jar"


JabRef online search


 That’s it, you can search for whatever you want on ACM portal, IEEE, etc. in few clicks. 

 For information,

  • java properties for proxy (https, ftp, sock, etc.) :
  • Sorry for screenshot with vista skin, but as my corporate’s laptop is using it, I need to work with it 😀 But this tip is cross platform.

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